Quick View:
Beck and call
Exp. Many sycophants are at the beck and call of the leader.
(beat) Black and blue - बुरी तरह से मार खाया हुआ
Exp. My brother was beaten black and blue over his mistake.
(in) Black and white - लिखित रूप से
Exp. Oral promise will not do this time; the workers are adamant about getting the promises given by the management in black and white.
(make) Both ends meet - गुजर बसर करना, रोजी रोटी कमाना
Exp. There are many families living below the poverty line who find it difficult to make both ends meet.
(not) Bat an eyelid - प्रितिक्रिया या भाव हीन
Exp. My brother is so obstinate that even after being scolded over his mischief he does not bat an eyelid.
Back burner - जिसे ज्यादा महत्व नहीं दिया जाए ( कोई मुद्दा आदि )
Exp. Because of the mounting opposition, the government has put the issue of FDI in retail on the back burner.
Back the wrong horse - किसी गलत या कमजोर व्यक्ति को समर्थन देना
Exp. Many times Indian team gets defeated because the captain backs the wrong horse.
Back to back - एक के तुरंत बाद दूसरा
Exp.Kohli hit three centuries back to back.
Back to square one - जहाँ से प्रारंभ हुआ था वहीं पहुँच जाना
Exp. Most often talks between India and Pakistan get back to square one after making some progress.
Backchat - कड़ा एवं उदंडता भरा जवाब
Exp. No guardian likes the backchat of his sons and daughters.
Back-seat driving - पीछे रहकर नियंत्रण का प्रयास
Exp. My colleague, Sushant, always do backseat driving; he never takes initiative (पहल ).
Backstairs influence - पैरवी
Exp. Everyone knows that he did not get the job on his merit; it was backstairs influence.
Bad blood - पुरानी दुश्मनी
There is bad blood between the two neighbors.
Bad mouth - दूसरों के बारे में अभद्र बातें बोलना
Exp. He is a bad mouth; he always abuses others.
Baker's dozen - Thirteen (तेरह -13)
Exp. The shopkeeper gave baker's dozen but charged only for 12.
Bare bones - मूलभूत तथ्य
Exp. The bare bones of the conversation had been that he hated my guts.
Be in name only - सिर्फ नाम का
Exp. In India, the President is the Head of the state in name only.
Bear fruit - सफल होना, अच्छा परिणाम देना
Exp. His hard long labour at last bore fruit when he was selected for the job.
Bearin mind - ध्यान रखना
Exp. You must bear in mind that lasting success can only be achieved by perseverance (सतत् प्रयास).
Bear the brunt - बुरा परिणाम भुगतना
Exp. Often the parents have to bear the brunt of the wrongdoings of their child.
Bear the palm - प्रमुख या प्रसिद्ध होना
Exp. His very first novel became a best seller making him bear the palm.
Beat a retreat - किसी जगह से जल्दी से वापस हो जाना (खतरे के कारण )
Exp. Our army has not learnt to beat the retreat; it prefers to lay down its life.
Beat about the bush - मुद्दे से हटकर इधर-उधर की बातें करना
Exp. Please don't beat about the bush; come straight to the point.
Beat the air - निरर्थक प्रयास करना
Exp. To make Prakash understand to behave properly is simply beating the air.
Beauty is only skin deep - शारीरिक सुंदरता बहुत ज्यादा दिन नहीं टिकती
Exp. She took a wrong decision by not marrying this gentleman. She doesn't know that beauty is only skin deep.
Bee in one's bonnet - किसी चीज को महत्वपूर्ण मानकर लगातार उसी के बारे में सोचने की स्थिति
Exp. He seems to have a bee in his bonnet; he does not concentrate on his job.
Beg the question - किसी चीज को सत्य मान लेना (चाहे उसका कोई सबूत न हो )
Exp. Normally, we beg the question regarding the existence of God.
Behind bars - जेल में
Exp. He has been behind bars for committing theft in his master's house.
Behind closed doors - गुप्त रूप से
Exp. The entire action plan against the Naxalites was discussed behind closed doors.
Bell the cat - जोखिम भरा काम करना
Exp. We must convey our grievances (4) to the boss, but the question is who will bell the cat.
Bend over backwards - सहायता प्रदान करने के लिए हर संभव काम करना
Exp. He is so selfish that he has forgotten that I bent over backwards when he was in difficulty.
Beside oneself - चिंतित या बेचैन (किसी बात को लेकर )
Exp. The parents were beside themselves when their son did not return home till late at night.
Beside oneself - बहुत नाराज
Exp. I was beside myself when my ambitious project was rejected.
Beside the mark - असंगत, अतार्किक
Exp. The election speeches of the politicians are often beside the mark; they never address the real issues of the public.
Better half -पत्नी
Exp. My better half is my best friend.
Between the devil and the deep blue sea - दुविधा में, दो मुसीबतों के बीच फँसा हुआ
Exp. Not having money and the payment date approaching near, I was caught between the devil and the deep blue sea.
Beyond one's means - अपनी क्षमता से अधिक
Exp. He turned into a bankrupt person, as he was leading a life beyond his means.
Beyond the pale - सामाजिक या नैतिक रूप से अस्वीकार्य
Exp. The remarks of a few politicians are often beyond the pale.
Bid fair to - संभावना दिखाई पड़ना
Exp. He bids fair to be an excellent cricketer.
Big bucks - बड़ा धन
Exp. In his business, he has made big bucks.
Big fish - महत्त्वपूर्ण व्यक्ति
Exp. Big fish are seldom implicated (3) in scam cases.
Bird'seyeview - सरसरी निगाह से देखना या पढ़ना
Exp. Even a bird's eye view through his writing can reveal many grammatical errors.
Bird brained - मूर्ख
Exp. He is bird-brained; he does not understand anything easily.
Birds of the same feather - एक ही प्रकृति के व्यक्ति
Exp. They spend a long time together because they are birds of the same feather.
Bite more than one can chew - उतना काम या जिम्मेवारी उठा लेना जितना हो न सके
Exp. Our chief Minister has many departments with himself; probably he has bitten off more than he can chew.
Bite one's lip - किसी बात को बोलने से परहेज करना, अपनी (नकारात्मक) प्रतिक्रिया
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