सीखें Active से Passive में बदलने के मुख्य नियम | Active & Passive Voice in Hindi | Examples and Exercise

सीखें Active से Passive में बदलने के मुख्य नियम | Active & Passive Voice in Hindi | Examples and Exercise

    Active & Passive Voice Rules (in Hindi)
    Lern active and passive voice rules in Hindi

    सीखें Active And Passive Voice (in Hindi) / Active Passive Voice in Hindi / Active Passive Voice Rules Chart in Hindi / Active Passive in Hindi / Passive Passive in Hindi / English Grammar Active And Passive Voice Rules in Hindi Pdf / Active Passive Voice Rules in Hindi / Active And Passive Voice Grammar Rules in Hindi / Passive Voice Examples in Hindi.

    आज हम यहाँ Hindi To EnglishGrammar के इस चपेटर में English के Sentences अर्थात Active Voice को Passive Voice में बदलना / परिवर्तित करना उदाहरण(Examples) के साथ में सीखेंगें- (Active And Passive Voice Rules With Examples in Hindi)। यहाँ पर English Tense के सभी Sentences को Passive Voice में कैसे बदलते हैं और उनके क्या-क्या नियम(Rules) हैं यह भी जानेंगे।  इस Topic में English Tense के Present Tense , Past Tense तथा Future Tense को Active Voice को Passive Voice कैसे बदलेंगे और उनके Examples नियम के  साथ दिए गए है , ImperativeSentence , Negative Sentence तथा Interrogative Sentence को Passive Voice में बदलना / नियम (Rule) तथा उदाहरण के साथ भी दिया है।

    Active Voice (Definition in Hindi)

    जब किसी वाक्य में कर्ता (Subject) किसी कार्य को करता है और कर्ता (Subject) का मुख्य फोकस कर्म (Object) पर होता है तो ऐसे सभी वाक्य Active Voice होते है।

    जैसे- “मोहन एक पत्र लिखता है”

    Mohan writes a letter. (Active Voice)
    उपर्युक्त वाक्य में कर्ता (Subject) "मोहन" एक पत्र लिखता है और कर्ता (Subject) "मोहन" का मुख्य फोकस कर्म (Object) "एक पत्र" पर है अतः यह वाक्य Active Voice होते है।

    Active Voice में साधरणतया Subject, Verb और Object दिए होते हैं.और इनका निम्नलिखित Order में प्रयोग होता ह।

    Active Voice:- Subject + Verb + Object

    इसमें Subject सबसे पहले आता है, इसके बाद Verb और अंत में Object आता है और इसके अलावा अगर वाक्य में कुछ और दिया होता है तो वह Object के बाद में लिखा होता है।

    Passive Voice (Definition in Hindi)

    जब किसी वाक्य में कर्ता (Subject) द्वारा किसी कार्य को किया जाता है तथा ऐसे वाक्यों में कर्ता (Subject) की जगह कर्म (Object) को अधिक महत्व दिया जाता है ।  Passive Voice के Sentence में कभी - कभी कर्ता (Subject) छुपा होता है या फिर नहीं दिया होता है। Passive Voice के Sentence में  अक्सर By (के द्वारा) शब्द भी दिया रहता है।

    जैसे - “मोहन द्वारा एक पत्र लिखा जाता है। ”

    A letter is written by Mohan. (Active Voice)
    उपर्युक्त वाक्य में कर्ता (Subject) "मोहन" द्वारा एक पत्र लिखा जाता है और वाक्यों में कर्ता (Subject) "मोहन" की जगह  कर्म (Object) "एक पत्र" को अधिक महत्त्व दिया जा रहा है अतः यह वाक्य Passive Voice है।

    यह भी पढ़ें : -
    जाने English में Tense के प्रकार (उदाहरण सहित)
    Direct से Indirect बनाने के लिए महत्त्वपूर्ण नियम

    Top  Rules to Convert Active Voice into Passive Voice in Hindi - (Active से Passive में बदलने के मुख्य नियम)

    Rule no. 1
    किसी Active Voice को  Passive Voice में बदलने के लिए सर्वप्रथम  Subject की जगह Object तथा  Object की जगह Subject लिखते हैं-
    Active: Mohan writes a letter.
    Passive: A letter is written by Mohan.

    Rule no. 2

    किसी Active Voice को  Passive Voice में बदलने के लिए  Main Verb की Third form प्रयोग करते है।
    Active: Mohan writes a letter.
    Passive: A letter is written by Mohan.

    Rule no. 3

    किसी Active Voice को  Passive Voice में बदलने के लिए  Subject से पहले मुख्यत By प्रयोग किया जाता है।
    Active: she play a Doll.
    Passive: A Doll is played by her.

    Rule no. 4

    किसी Active Voice को  Passive Voice में बदलने के लिए  Subject से पहले हर बार जरूरी नहीं होता है की सदैव  By का ही प्रयोग हो , कभी -कभी अपवाद के रूप में By की जगह With अथवा  To का प्रयोग भी किया जा सकता है ।

    Active: I know him.
    Passive: He is known to me.
    Active: Water fills a tank.
    Passive: A tank is filled with water.

    Rule no. 5

    किसी Active Voice को  Passive Voice में बदलने के लिए उस वाक्य के Tense या Helping Verb में भी बदलाव होता है. ये परिवर्तन  Active Voice के  sentence के tense के अनुसार किया जाता है । Active Voice को  Passive Voice में बदलने के लिए उनके Tense / Helping Verbs  में निम्नलिखित नियमानुसार बदलाव होता है।
    helping verbs
    helping verbs
    Present Simple Tense
    am / is / are
    Present Indefinite Tense
    verb(1st Form)
    Simple Past Tense
    was /  were
    Past  Indefinite Tense
    verb(2nd Form)
    Simple Future Tense
    will be
    Present Continuous Tense
    am / is / are
    am/is/are + being
    Past Continuous Tense
    was /  were
    was/were + being
    Present Perfect Tense
    have / has
    have/has + been
    Past Perfect Tense
    had + been
    Future Perfect Tense
    will have
    will have + been

    5(a) Present Indefinite  Tense के Active Voice को Passive Voice में बदलना 

    यह भी पढ़ें :-
    जाने English में Tense के प्रकार (उदाहरण सहित)
    Present Indefinite Tense - Hindi से English बनाने के Rules | Examples | Exercises | Sentences

    Present Indefinite  Tense का Active Voice

    Rule : Subject + verb 1st form + (s या es) + Object

    Present Indefinite  Tense का Passive Voice

    Rule : Object + am / is /are + verb 3rd form + by + Subject


    Active : He drinks a tea.
    Passive : A tea is drunk by him.
    Active : They write a letter.
    Passive : A letter is written by them.
    Active : Ram read a book.
    Passive : A book is read by Ram.
    Active : I love you.
    Passive : You are loved by me.
    Active : Ram hates Mohan.
    Passive : Mohan is hated by Ram.
    Active : She likes me.
    Passive : I am liked by her.

    5(b) Present Continuous  Tense के Active Voice को Passive Voice में बदलना 

    यह भी पढ़ें :-
    Present Continuous Tense - Hindi से English बनाने के Rules | Examples | Exercises | Sentences

    Present Continuous  Tense का Active Voice

    Rule : Subject + am / is /are + verb 1st form + ing + Object

    Present Continuous  Tense का Passive Voice

    Rule : Object + am / is /are + being + verb 3rd form + by + Subject


    Active : He is drinking a coffee.
    Passive : A coffee is being drunk by him.
    Active : They are writing an essay.
    Passive : An essay is being written by them.
    Active : Ram is reading  a book.
    Passive : A book is being read by Ram.
    Active : I am loving you.
    Passive : You are being loved by me.
    Active : Ram is talking with Mohan.
    Passive : Mohan is being talked with Ram.
    Active : She is teaching Ram.
    Passive : Ram is being taught by her.

    5(c) Present Perfect Tense के Active Voice को Passive Voice में बदलना 

    यह भी पढ़ें :-
    Present Perfect Tense - Hindi से English बनाने के Rules | Examples | Exercises | Sentences

    Present Perfect Tense का Active Voice

    Rule : Subject + have / has + verb 3rd form + Object

    Present Perfect Tense का Passive Voice

    Rule : Object +  have / has +  been + verb 3rd form  + by + Subject


    Active : Ram has eaten an apple.
    Passive : An apple has been eaten by Ram.
    Active : They have written a book.
    Passive : A book has been written by them.
    Active : She has told my story.
    Passive : My story has been told by her.
    Active : I have taught him.
    Passive : He has been taught by me.
    Active : You have rung the bell.
    Passive : The bell has been rung by you.
    Active : We have visited Europe in last year.
    Passive : Europe has been visited by us in last year.

    5(d) Past Indefinite  Tense के Active Voice को Passive Voice में बदलना 

    Past Indefinite  Tense का Active Voice

    Rule : Subject + verb 2nd form + Object

    Past Indefinite  Tense का Passive Voice

    Rule : Object + was / were + verb 3rd form + by + Subject

    Active : Ram watch a movie.
    Passive : A movie was watched  by Ram.
    Active : They wrote a letter.
    Passive : A letter was written by them.
    Active : We read a book.
    Passive : A book was read by us.
    Active : I loved you.
    Passive : You were loved by me.
    Active : Ram hated me.
    Passive : I was hated by Ram.
    Active : She liked them.
    Passive : They were liked by her.

    5(e) Past Continuous  Tense के Active Voice को Passive Voice में बदलना 

    Past Continuous  Tense का Active Voice

    Rule : Subject + was /were + verb 1st form + ing + Object

    Past Continuous  Tense का Passive Voice

    Rule : Object + was /were + being + verb 3rd form + by + Subject

    Active : He was drinking a coffee.
    Passive : A coffee was being drunk by him.
    Active : They were writing an essay.
    Passive : An essay was being written by them.
    Active : Ram was reading a book.
    Passive : A book was being read by Ram.
    Active : I was loving you.
    Passive : You were being loved by me.
    Active : Ram was talking with Mohan.
    Passive : Mohan was being talked with Ram.
    Active : She was teaching Ram.
    Passive : Ram was being taught by her.

    5(f) Past Perfect Tense के Active Voice को Passive Voice में बदलना 

    यह भी पढ़ें : -

    Past Perfect Tense का Active Voice

    Rule : Subject + had + verb 3rd form + Object

    Past Perfect Tense का Passive Voice

    Rule : Object +  had +  been + verb 3rd form  + by + Subject


    Active : Ram had eaten an apple.
    Passive : An apple had been eaten by Ram.
    Active : They had written a book.
    Passive : A book had been written by them.
    Active : She told my story.
    Passive : My story had been told by her.
    Active : I had taught him.
    Passive : He had been taught by me.
    Active : You had rung the bell.
    Passive : The bell had been rung by you.
    Active : We visited Europe last year.
    Passive : Europe had been visited by us last year.

    5(g) Future Indefinite  Tense के Active Voice को Passive Voice में बदलना 

    यह भी पढ़ें : -

    Future Indefinite  Tense का Active Voice

    Rule : Subject + will / shall + verb 1st form + Object

    Future Indefinite  Tense का Passive Voice

    Rule : Object + will / shall + verb 3rd form + by + Subject

    Active : He will drink tea.
    Passive : A tea will be drunk by him.
    Active : They will write a letter.
    Passive : A letter will be written by them.
    Active : Ram will read a book.
    Passive : A book will be read by Ram.
    Active : I shall love you.
    Passive : You will be loved by me.
    Active : Ram will hate Mohan.
    Passive : Mohan will be hated by Ram.
    Active : She will like me.
    Passive : I shall be liked by her

    5(8) Future Perfect Tense के Active Voice को Passive Voice में बदलना 

    Rule : Subject + will have / shall have + verb 3rd form + Object

    Future Perfect Tense का Passive Voice

    Rule : Object +  will have / shall have +  been + verb 3rd form  + by + Subject

    Active : Ram will have eaten an apple.
    Passive : An apple will have been eaten by Ram.
    Active : They will have written a book.
    Passive : A book will have been written by them.
    Active : She will have told me her story.
    Passive : I shall have been told her story by her.
    Active : I shall have taught him.
    Passive : He will have been taught by me.
    Active : You will have rung the bell.
    Passive : The bell will have been rung by you.
    Active : We shall have visited Europe in last year.
    Passive : Europe will have been visited by us in last year.

    यह भी पढ़ें : 
    सभी प्रकार के Hindi To English Translations

    Rule no. 6

    किसी Active Voice को  Passive Voice में बदलने के लिए निम्नलिखित 4 प्रकार  Tense के Passive Voice वाक्य नहीं बनाये जा सकते हैं।

    1. Present Perfect Continuous Tense.

    2. Past Perfect Continuous Tense.

    3. Future Perfect Continuous Tense.

    4. Future Continuous Tense.

    Rule no. 7

    ऐसे  Passive Voice  वाक्य  जिनमें Object नहीं दिया होता है उनको Active Voice  निम्नलिखित तरीके से बनाते हैं
    राम   पढ़ाता   हैं। 
    Ram  teaches.
    राम   को   पढ़ाया   जाता   हैं। 
    Ram  is  taught.

    Rule no. 8

    कुछ Passive Voice , Subject के बिना भी Sentence पूर्ण होते है तो ऐसे Sentence में  Active Voice को  Passive Voice में बदलने के लिए Subject को छोड़ दिया जाता है
    Passive: The Poor are not treated as equals.
    Passive: Milk is sold in Liters. (जैसे इन वाक्यों में  Subject नहीं दिया  है)

    Rule no. 9

    अगर किसी वाक्य में मुख्य क्रिया Intransitive verb है तो उस वाक्य का  Passive Voice नहीं बनाया जा सकता है।
    I go.
    They sleep.
    We laugh.
    ऊपर दिए गए Sentences में दी गयी तीनो क्रियाएं (go , sleep , laugh) Intransitive verb है अतः ऐसे वाक्यों का  Passive Voice नहीं बनाया जा सकता है।

    Rule no. 10

    जब किसी Active Voice को  Passive Voice में बदलते हैं तो Subject की जगह Object तथा  Object की जगह Subject के आपस में स्थान बदलने से उनके साथ प्रयोग हुए Articles , Adjective तथा  Adjective Phrases को वाक्य से अलग नहीं करते बल्कि उनको अपने Subject या Object के साथ ही प्रयोग करते हैं।
    Active:  All the students heard an interesting story.
    Passive:  An interesting story was heard by all the students.

    Rule no. 11

    जब किसी Active Voice को  Passive Voice में बदलते हैं तो Subject की जगह Object  के आपस में स्थान बदलने से उनके Pronouns में निम् रूप से बदलाव होता है
    Him के स्थान पर He
    Her के स्थान पर She
    Them के स्थान पर They
    Us के स्थान पर We
    Me के स्थान पर I
    You के स्थान पर You
    It के स्थान पर It

    Active:  Shyam loves her.

    Passive:  She is loved by Shyam.
    Active:  Ram hates them.
    Passive:  They are hated by Ram.
    Active:  Mohan welcomes you.
    Passive:  You are welcomed by Moham.

    Rule no. 12
    जब किसी वाक्य में Direct (निर्जीव) तथा Indirect (सजीव) Object दोनों दिए हों तो वाक्य का Passive Voice बनाते समय Subject के स्थान पर Indirect Object का प्रयोग करना Grammar की दृष्टि से ज्यादा उपयुक्त माना जाता है।

    Active : He teaches me English.
    Passive : I am taught English by him.
    Active : They write you a letter.
    Passive : You are written a letter by them.
    Active : I shall give her the necessary help.
    Passive : She will be given the necessary help by me.

    Note: जब किसी वाक्य में Direct (निर्जीव) तथा Indirect (सजीव) Object दोनों दिए हों तो वाक्य का Passive Voice बनाते समय Subject के स्थान पर कोई भी Object ले सकते हैं।

    Example :
    Active : He teaches me English.
    Passive : I am taught English by him.
    English is taught to me by him.

    Rule no. 13
    जब किसी वाक्य में Direct (निर्जीव) तथा Indirect (सजीव) Object दोनों दिए हों और यह Active Voice वाक्य Let से शरू हो तो ऐसे वाक्य का Passive Voice बनाते समय Subject के स्थान पर Direct (निर्जीव) Object का प्रयोग करें । और Let को वाक्य के आरम्भ में ही रहने दें। और मुख्य क्रिया की 3rd form से पहले be का प्रयोग करें। 

    Example :
    Active : Let him bring a book.
    Passive : Let a book be brought by him.
    Active : Let them play the cricket match in the ground.
    Passive : Let the cricket match be played by them.

    Imperative Sentences का Passive Voice में परिवर्तन :-

    किसी Imperative Sentences को Passive Voice में बदलने के लिए उसे सर्वप्रथम Let से शरू करते हैंयदि Imperative Sentence से (Order , Command) का बोध हो तो मुख्य क्रिया की 3rd form से पहले be का प्रयोग करते हैं। 


    Active : Bring the water.  
    Passive : Let the water be brought.
    Active : Shut the door.
    Passive : Let the door be shut.
    Active : Show the identity.
    Passive : Let the identity be shown.

    यह भी पढ़ें : -
    Imperative Sentence को English में कैसे बनाएं? Rules & Examples

    यदि Imperative Sentence से Request (प्रार्थना ) Advice (परामर्श/सलाह) का बोध हो तो मुख्य क्रिया की 3rd form से पहले should be का प्रयोग करते हैं। और ऐसे वाक्यों को  Let से शरू नहीं करते हैं। और Passive Voice में kindly और Please जैसे शब्दों को छोड़ दिया जाता है। 


    Active : Help the poor.
    Passive : The poor should be helped.
    Active : Love your parents.
    Passive : Your parents should be loved.
    Active : Feed the beggar, Please.
    Passive : The beggar should be fed.

    यदि Imperative Sentence नकारात्मक (Negative) हो तो ऐसे Imperative Sentences को Passive Voice में बदलने के लिए सर्वप्रथम Do को हटाकर उसकी जगह Let का प्रयोग तथा उसके बाद Not का प्रयोग करते हैं। और मुख्य क्रिया की 3rd form से पहले be का प्रयोग करते हैं।

    Active : Do not tell a lie.
    Passive : Let not a lie be told by you.
    Active : Do not watch a horror movie.
    Passive : Let not a movie be watched by you.
    Active : Do not beat the cat.
    Passive : Let not the cat be beaten by you.

    Note : उपर्युक्त वाक्यों के Passive Voice बनाते समय Passive Voice के साथ by you न जोड़ें तब भी वाक्य पूर्ण माना जायेगा। 

    Example :

    Active : Do not cut the green tree.
    Passive : Let not the green tree be cut by you .
    Passive : Let not the green tree be cut.

    यह भी पढ़ें : -
    जाने English में Tense के प्रकार (उदाहरण सहित)
    Direct से Indirect बनाने के लिए महत्त्वपूर्ण नियम

    Negative Sentences का Passive Voice में परिवर्तन :-

    Negative Sentences को  Passive Voice में बदलने के Rules बिलकुल Affirmative sentences की ही तरह हैं, इनमें प्रयुक्त होने वाला Not को अपनी ही जगह रहते हैं अर्थात Verb की 3rd Form से पहले Not का प्रयोग करते हैं। 

    Examples :

    Active : He does not teach me English.  
    Passive : I am not taught English by him.
    Active : They did not write you a letter. 
    Passive : You were not written a letter by them.
    Active : I shall not give her the necessary help. 
    Passive : She will not be given the necessary help by me.

    Interrogative Sentences का Passive Voice में परिवर्तन :-

    किसी Interrogative Sentences के Active Voice को  Passive Voice में बदलने के लिए सर्वप्रथम यह देखते हैं कि यह  Interrogative Sentences का  Active Voice Sentences सहायक क्रिया (Helping Verb) जैसे - Do , Does , Is , am , Are , has , Had , Did , Was , Were , Will , Shall etc  से शुरू है अथवा प्रश्नवाचक शब्द (Question Word) जैसे - What , Who ,Where , When Which etc से शुरू होता है। 

    यह भी पढ़ें : -
     English में Auxiliary Verbs / Modals का प्रयोग
    May, Might और Must का सही प्रयोग कब कहां कैसे करें

    अगर यह  Interrogative Sentences का  Active Voice Sentences सहायक क्रिया (Helping Verb) से शुरू हो तो Passive Voice में भी प्रारम्भ में सहायक क्रिया (Helping Verb) ही आएगी परन्तु Passive Voice में सहायक क्रिया (Helping Verb) की Form वाक्य के Subject के अनुसार परिवर्तित हो जायेगी। शेष सभी नियम Affirmative Sentences की तरह ही हैं।  

    यह भी पढ़ें : -
     was , were का प्रयोग और उदाहरण
    Has , Have का प्रयोग और उदाहरण
    is, am, are का इंग्लिश में आसान प्रयोग

    अगर यह  Interrogative Sentences का  Active Voice Sentences प्रश्नवाचक शब्द (Question Word) से शुरू हो तो ऐसे वाक्यों का Passive Voice बनाने के लिए Passive Voice को  By + Question Word से शुरू करते हैं। कभी - कभी Passive Voice में By के स्थान पर वाक्य के अनुसार अन्य Preposition का प्रयोग किया जाता है।  

    यह भी पढ़ें : -
    प्रश्नवाचक शब्दों का प्रयोग (Use of Question Word in Hindi to English Translation)
    Rules and Use of Question Tags in English Grammar

    Active : Does she deceive Ram?
    Passive : Is Ram deceived by her?
    Active : Has the cat killed the rat?
    Passive : Has the rat been killed by the cat?
    Active : Who has helped you in bad situation?
    Passive : By whom have you been helped in bad situation?
    Active : What Pleased you so much ?
    Passive : With what were you pleased so much?

    यह भी पढ़ें :- सभी प्रकार के Hindi To English Translations:

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    1. Sir क्या tea के लिए drink का प्रयोग कर सकते हैं।

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