Quick View:
हम विभिन्न प्रवेश परीक्षाओं के लिए पिछले परीक्षाओं को देखते हैं कि संकेताक्षरों पर आधारित कुछ प्रश्न हमेशा पूछे जाते हैं। यहाँ एक छोटी सी सूची है जो हमने आपके लिए तैयार की है। कृपया आप इसे अच्छे से याद करने का प्रयास करें।
यह बैंकिंग परीक्षा (क्लर्क, पीओ, एमटी), एसएससी, एफसीआई और अन्य प्रवेश परीक्षाओं के लिए उपयोगी है।
संकेताक्षरों पर आधारित सूची.......
यह बैंकिंग परीक्षा (क्लर्क, पीओ, एमटी), एसएससी, एफसीआई और अन्य प्रवेश परीक्षाओं के लिए उपयोगी है।
संकेताक्षरों पर आधारित सूची.......
1. LPG → Liquefied Petroleum
2. TNT → Tri Nitro Toluen
3. RNA → Ribonucleic
4. CNG → Compressed Natural Gas
5. ATP → Adenosine Tri
6. RBC → Red Blood Cells/Corpuscles
7. ECG → Electro Cardio
8. PVC → Poly vinyl Chloride
9. RAM → Random Access
10. CFC → Chloro Fluoro Carbon
11. LASER → Light Amplification by Stimulated
emission of
12. RADAR → Radio Detection And Ranging
13. AIDS → Acquired Immune Deficiency
14. ROM → Read Only Memory
15. LAN → Local Area
16. WWW → World Wide Web
17. DNA → Deoxyribonucleic
18. SONAR → Sound Navigation And Ranging
19. SARS → Severe Acute Respiratory
20. NTP → Network Time Protocol/ Normal Temperature
and Pressure
21. RQ → Respiratory Quotient
22. NPN → Negative Positive
23. PNP → Purine Nucleoside Phosphorylase
24. WAN → Wide Area
25. CPU → Central Processing Unit
26. BCG → Bacillus Calmette
27. STP → Standard Temperature And
Pressure/Shielded Twisted Pair/Sodium Tripolyphosphate/Spanning Tree Protocol
28. ATP → Adenosine
29. KWh → Kilo Watt Hour
30. BTU → British thermal
31. LDL → Low Density Lipoprotein
32. MAF → Million Acre
33. HDL → Hardware Description Language
34. MCV → Mean Corpuscular
35. UHF → Ultra High Frequency
36. LED → Light emitting Diode
37. LCD → Liquid Crystal Display
38. BASIC → Beginner’s All → Purpose
Symbolic Instruction Code
39. MASER → Microwave Amplification by Stimulated
Emission of Radiation
40. ETT → Educational Telecommunications and
Technology/ European Transaction on Telecommunication
41. HST → High Speed Technology/ High Speed
Train (in UK)/Hubble Space Telescope
42. DBS → Data Base Server/ Direct Broadcast
43. CRO → Cathode Ray Oscilloscope
44. BOT → Build, Operate and Transfer/Botulinum
45. AMU → Atomic Mass
46. EMF → Electro Motive force
47. ADH → Anti
→ diuretic
48. GeV → Giga Electro Volt
49. CRT → Cathode Ray
50. CNS → Central Nervous System
51. PTFE → Poly Tetra Fluoro Ethylene
52. GUT → Grand Unified Theory
53. LONAR → Long Range
54. MeV → Mega Electron Volt/ Million Electron
Volt/ Multi experiment Viewer
55. AWACS → Airborne Warning and Control
56. ABM → Anti
→ Ballistic Missile
57. AC → Alternating Current/Air Conditioning
58 AEC → Atomic Energy Commission
59. Alt → Altitude
60. AM → Ante Maridiem (Before
61. Amp → Ampere
62. APTEC → All Pakistan Technology Engineers
63. ATM → Automated Teller Machine
64. AW → Atomic Weight/ Asia Watch
65. BIOS → Basic Input Output System
66. BDS → Bachelor Of Dental Surgery/ Bomb
Disposal Squad
67. BP → Blood Pressure/ Boiling Point/ Blue
68. CAA → Civil Aviation Authority
69. CABB → Centre Of Agricultural Biochemistry
70. Cal → Calorie
71. CD → Compact Disc/ Civil Defence/
Community Development
72. CD → ROM
→ Compact Disc Read → Only
73. CECP → Cotton Export Corporation Of Pakistan
→ Chashma Nuclear Power
75. CMCC → China Mobile Communications
76. COM → Computer Aided Manufacturing
→ Communications
Satellite Corporation
→ Council Of Scientific
And Technology Cooperation Of Islamic Conference
79. CSIRO → Commonwealth Scientific And
Industrial Research Organisation
80. CTBT → Comprehensive Test Ban
81. CT → Scan
→ Computerised Axial
Tomography Scanning
82. DVD → Dynamic Versatile Disc
83. ECAT → Engineering Colleges Admission Test
84. EDB → Engineering Development
85. EEG → Electroencephalogram
→ Energy Conservation
87. EPA → Energy Protection Agency
88. EPD → Energy Protection Department
89. ESA → European Space Agency
90. ESRO → European Space Research
91. FAT → File Allocation Table
92. FCPS → Fellow Of The Royal College Of
Physicians And Surgeons
93. FM → Frequency Modulation
94. FMCT → Fissile Material Cut Off
95. FRCS → Fellow Of The Royal College Of
96. GHz. Gigahertz
97. GMT → Greenwich Mean Tim
98. HIV → Human Immune Deficiency
99. HTML → Hypertext Mark Up
100. HTTP → Hypertext Transfer
101. IAEA → International Atomic Energy Agency (UN)
102. IBM → International Business Machine
103. IC → Integrated Circuit/ Intelligence
104. ICBM → Inter
Continental Ballistic Missile
105. ICU → Intensive Care Unit
106. IEA → International Energy Agency
→ International Research
And Training Institute For The Advancement Of Women
→ International
Telecommunications Satellite Consortium
109. Intelsat
→ International
Telecommunications Satellite Organisation
110. IRBM → Intermediate Range ballistic
111. ISP → Internet Service Provider
112. IT → Information Technology
113. ITB → Information Technology
114. JAXA → Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
→ Karachi Nuclear Power
116. KAPCO
→ Kot Adu Power Company
117. kHz → Kilohertz
118. KV → Kilo Volt
119. kW → Kilowatt
120. MCAT → Medical Colleges Admission Test
121. MDS → Master In Dental Surgery
122. MNP → Mobile Number Probability
123. MRBM → Medium Range Ballistic Missile
124. MRCP → Member Of Royal College Of Physicians
125. MRCS → Member Of Royal College Of
126. MRI → Magnetic Resonance
127. MS → Medical Superintendent
128. MSN → Microsoft Network
129. MW → Megawatt
130. NADRA
→ National Database And
Registration Authority
131. NEPRA
→ National Electric Power
Regulatory Authority
132. NM → Nautical Mile
133. NMD → National Missile Defence
134. NPT → Non
→ Nuclear Proliferation
135. NRA → Nuclear Regulatory Authority
136. OGRA → Oil And Gas Regulatory Authority
137. NWD → Nation Wide Dialling
138. OGDC → Oil And Gas Development Corporation
139. pm → Post Meridiem
140. PEMRA
→ Pakistan Electronic
Media Regulatory Authority
141. PTA → Pakistan Telecommunication
142. RADAR
→ Radio Detection and
143. SALT → Strategic Arms Limitation Talks
144. SLV → Satellite Launch Vehicle
145. SMS → Short Message Service
146. SNGPL
→ Sui Northern Gas
Pipelines Limited
147. SONAR
→ Sound Navigation And
148. SSGPL
→ Sui Southern Gas
Pipeline Limited
149. STD → Subscriber’s Trunk
150. STM → Subscriber Identification
→ Space And Upper
Atmosphere Research Committee (Pakistan)
152. TB → Tubercle Bacillus/ Tuberculosis
153. UHF → Ultra High Frequency
154. UNAEC
→ United Nations Atomic
Energy Commission
→ United Nations
Education, Scientific And Cultural Organisation
156. VCD → Video Compact Disc
157. VHF → Very High Frequency
158. WAN → Wide Area Network
159. WAP → Wireless Application Protocol
160. WAPDA
→ Water And Power
Development Authority
161. WHO → World Health Organisation
162. WMD → Weapons Of Mass Destruction
163. WWF → World Wildlife Fund
164. ZPG → Zero Population Growth
165. ASEAN → Association
of South East Asian Nations
166. AITUC → All
India Trade Union Congress
167. ABM → Anti
168. AIDS → Acquired
Immune Deficiency Syndrome
169. AIIMS → All
India Institute of Medical Sciences
170. AIR → All
India Radio; Annual Information
171. AWACS → Airborne
Warning and Control System
172. BBC → British
Broadcasting Corporation
173. BCG → Bacillus
Calmette Guerin
174. BARC → Bhabha
Atomic Research Centre
175. BC → Before
Christ; Board of Control
176. BIFR → Board
of Industrial and Financial Reconstruction
177. BIOS → Basic
Input Output System
178. BMD → Ballistic
Missile Defense System
179. CADA → Command
Area Development Agency
180. CET → Common Entrance Test
181. CA → Chartered
182. CRAC → Cyber
Regulation Advisory Council
183. CRDI → Common
Rail Direct Injection
184. CRR → Cash
Reserve Ratio
185. CSIR → Council
of Scientific and Industrial Research
186. CTBT → Comprehensive
Test Ban Treaty
187. CRPF → Central
Reserve Police Force
188. DDT → Dichloro
Diphenyl Trichloro ethane
189. DNA → De → oxyribo
Nucleic Acid
190. DAVP → Directorate
of Advertising and Visual Publicity
191. DTH → Direct
to Home
192. ESMA → Essential
Services Maintenance Act
193. ESCAP → Economic and Social Commission for Asia and
the Pacific
194. ECS → Electronic
Cleaning Service
195. ECG → Electro
Cardio Gram
196. EEG → Electro Encephalography
197. EMI → Equated
Monthly Instalment
198. ESMA → Essential
Services Maintenance Act
199. EVM → Electronic
Voting Machine
200. FDR → Flight
Data Recorder; Fixed Deposit Receipt
201. FAO → Food and Agriculture Organisation
202. FEMA → Foreign
Exchange Management Act
203. FERA → Foreign
Exchange Regulations Act
204. FICCI → Federation
of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry
205. FDI → Foreign
Direct Investment
206. FII → Foreign
Institutional Investors
207. FIPB → Foreign
Investment Promotion Board
208. FLAG → Fiber
Optic Link Around the Globe
209. FTP → File
Transfer Protocol
210. GATT → General Agreement on Tariff and Trade
211. GAIL → Gas
Authority of India Limited
212. GIST → Graphics
and Intelligence based Script Technology
213. GPRS → General
Packet Radio System
214. GPS → Global
Positioning System
215. GST → Goods
and Service Tax
216. HUDCO → Housing
and Urban Development Corporation
217. HDI → Human
Development Index
218. HDTV → High
Definition Television
219. HTML → Hyper
Text Markup Language
220. HTTP → Hype
Text Transfer Protocol
221. ICDS → Integrated
Child Development Scheme
222. IGNOU → Indira
Gandhi National Open University
223. IOC → International
Olympic Committee
224. INTERPOL → International
Criminal Police Organization
225. IRDP → Integrated
Rural Development Programme
226. IFC → International Finance Corporation
227. ITU → International Telecommunication Union
228. ILO → International Labour Organisation
229. IFAD → International Fund for Agricultural
230. IFS → Indian Foreign Service
231. IPS → Indian police service
232. IAS → Indian Administrative service
233. IRS → Indian Revenue Service
234. IIS → Indian information Service
235. ICAS → Indian Civil Accounts Service
236. IRPS → Indian Railway Personnel Service
237. IDES → Indian Defence Estate Service
238. IBPS → Institute of Banking Personnel Selection
239. IDA → International Development Association
240. IST → Indian
Standard Time
241. JPC → Joint
Parliamentary Committee
242. JPEG → Joint
Photographic Experts Group
243. KPO → Knowledge
Process Outsourcing
244. LTTE → Liberation
Tigers of Tamil Eelam
245. LCA → Light
Combat Aircraft
246. LOAC → Line
of Actual Control
247. LTA → Light
Transport Aircraft
248. MBBS → Bachelor
of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery
249. MFN → Most
Favoured Nation
250. MIP → Moon
Impact Probe
251. MMS → Multimedia
Messaging Service
252. MODEM → Modulator
253. MRI → Magnetic
Resonance Imaging
254. MVC → Maha
Vir Chakra
255. NABARD → National
Bank for Agricultural and Rural Development
256. NAV → Net
Asset Value
257. NCERT → National
Council of Education Research and Training
258. NHRC → National
Human Rights Commission
259. NPR → National
Population Register
260. OGL → Open
General License
261. OPEC → Organisation
of Petroleum Exporting Countries
262. PAN → Permanent
Account Number
263. POTA → Prevention
of Terrorism Act
264. PVC → Param
Vir Chakra
265. PVSM → Param
Vishisht Sewa Medal
266. RAF → Rapid
Action Force
267. RBI → Reserve
Bank of India
268. RCC → Reinforced
Concrete Cement
269. RLV → Reusable
Launch Vehicle
270. SWAPO → South
West African Peoples Organization
271. SAARC → South Asian Association for Regional Co → operation
272. SARS → Severe
Acute Respiratory Syndrome
273. SATNAV → Satellite
274. SDR → Special
Drawing Rights
275. SEBI → Securities
and Exchange Board of India
276. SWIFT → Society
for Worldwide Financial Telecommunication
277. SSA → Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan
278. TADA → Terrorist
and Disruptive Activities Act
279. TDS → Tax
Deduction at Source
280. TIFR → Tata
Institute of Fundamental Research
281. TIN → Tax
Information Network
282. UNIDO → United Nations Industrial Development
283. UGC → University
Grants Commission
284. UNEF → United
Nations Emergency Force
285. UNEP → United Nations Environment Programme
286. UNI → United News of India
287. UNICEF → United Nations International Children’s
Emergency Fund
288. UNHCR → United Nations High Commissioner for
289. VDIS → Voluntary
Disclosure of Income Scheme
290. VLSI → Very
Large Scale Integration
291. VOIP → Voice
Over Internet Protocol
292. VPN → Virtual
Private Network
293. VRS → Voluntary
Retirement Scheme
294. VSAT → Very
Small Aperture Terminals
295. WHO → World
Health Organisation
296. WIPO → World intellectual property Organisation
297. WLL → Wireless
in Local Loop
298. WMD → Weapon
of Mass Destruction
299. WTO → World
Trade Organisation
300. XML → eXtensible
Markup Language
301. YMCA → Young
Men’s Christian Association
302. YWCA → Young
Women’s Christian Association
303. ZSI → Zoological
Survey of India
Thank you so very much for these materials.